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Survey Results: The Best (and Worst) Baby Gifts!. Category: Home Making
To find out what the perfect baby gift is, we went right to the source – new moms! We surveyed more than 200 moms to find out what gifts they loved, and which ones they wish they hadn’t of received. Here's what we learned...

Top 10 Baby Essentials. Category: Home Making
Along with a new baby comes a lot of baby stuff! If you’re expecting, you’ve most likely already been given lots of opinions on the baby gear you’ll need. To help you sort through all the baby products available, we asked fellow moms for a list of the items they couldn't live without. Here's their top 10 list.

Open Call for Personal Essays. Category: Personal Growth
A Cup of Comfort is a best-selling anthology (book) series published by Adams Media, an F+W Publications company. Each volume features powerful true stories about the experiences and relationships that inspire and enrich our lives.

Clues of an Online Affair. Category: Marriage & Relationships
Its obvious online affairs are prevalent today so what can you do about them? This epidemic is causing the breakup of countless marriages. How do you know if your spouse is violating the marriage vows by carrying out an online affair? Let’s look at typical indicators I personally discovered while investigating affairs. If your marriage is in trouble these clues will help you be the judge. Caution: These clues are not confirmation of an affair; just feasible indicators for you take into account.

Moisanite Jewelry. Category: Advice & Ideas
Moisanite is fast becoming the new diamonds. The newest jewelry stone on the market, moissanite is fashionable. Mossanite stones are manufactured to exacting standards, and so produce fine quality jewelry. And loose moissanite stones, being cheaper, can offer a choice of much larger stone sizes than diamonds.

Soft conact lenses - are they safe?. Category: Health
I have a very bad eyesight and I don't look good in glasses. I want to switch to contact lenses, but there is a lot of talk about contact lenes causing eye infection. Are soft contact lenses safe?

Be realistic when selling on eBay. Category: Online Business
As some of you know, I spent many years buying and selling both on and offline and several of my products are based upon my own experience in this area. I know that the vast majority of my customers and subscribers have an interest in trading whether it be on eBay or at the local market but more and more I am seeing people with completely unrealistic expectations of what they will be able to do. Most commonly these unrealistic expectations are in respect of how much it actually costs to purchase specific products and what they can then be sold on for.

Five Reasons to Work on Your Scrapbook Today. Category: Advice & Ideas
I remember, not so long ago, looking at the boxes and boxes of my babies' photographs and becoming so overwhelmed by the notion that I had better get them organized and labeled before I lost track of which kid was which.

20 Popular Quotations About Babies. Category: Marriage & Relationships
1. "A baby is God's way of saying the world should go on." - Doris Smith

Save Money on Your Mortgage. Category: Money
Paying close attention to your monthly mortgage statement can actually protect you and your family. And using a few simple tricks can actually help you save a significant amount on your monthly expenses.

Last articles:

Survey Results: The Best (and Worst) Baby Gifts!

Top 10 Baby Essentials

Open Call for Personal Essays

Clues of an Online Affair

Moisanite Jewelry

Soft conact lenses - are they safe?

Be realistic when selling on eBay

Five Reasons to Work on Your Scrapbook Today

20 Popular Quotations About Babies

Save Money on Your Mortgage

Home Constrution Loans

Recording Teleclasses and Online Audio

The Many Faces of Mascara

Sell YOU With Your Small Talk. (Yes You Can.)

Jumpstart Your Writing Career by Asking "Why?"

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